Down-to-Earth Finance Routines for Purpose-Driven Creators


 An Empowering Workshop on Impactful Money Practices for Heart-Led Free Spirits



 INVESTMENT: £36  (£30 + VAT), inc. charity donation



Would you much rather be immersed in your creative dream world than looking at your bank account? 


In this workshop, 'Down-to-Earth Finance Routines for Creative Souls', we dive deep into the heart of financial structuring tailored for the creative business owner. You've always navigated your path with intuition and passion, transforming visions into reality. Now, let's apply that same creativity to your business finances, turning perceived constraints into the foundations of your freedom and success.

We understand that as a creator, you thrive on inspiration, not obligation. That's why we're not just talking about abstract financial concepts; we're laying out a clear, actionable blueprint for structuring your business finances on a regular basis. This is about equipping you with solid, implementable practices that resonate with the way you live and work, enabling you to expand your impact and enjoy abundance.

I'm SO ready for this!





Harriet Formby MA ACA, is a Holistic CFO, an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and Busines Mentor and Founder of Below The Line Finance and Get Number Savvy.

 Harriet exists in a unique intersection, where the logical world of finance meets the boundless creative world of potential. With one foot firmly planted in the realm of numbers, budgets, and strategic financial planning, and the other in the ethereal landscape of dreams, innovations, and artistic expression, she embodies the rare blend of a pragmatic visionary.

This duality allows her to navigate the complexities of financial management with the precision of an accountant, while also embracing the fluidity and unpredictability of creative processes. Harriet's ability to fluently speak the language of both finance and creativity enables her to unlock opportunities that lie hidden at the crossroads of commerce and art. She serves as a bridge, translating fiscal discipline into creative growth and impact, guiding the heart-led free spirits towards realising their visions in a financially abundant framework

Harriet is dedicated to empowering business owners to transform their purpose-driven journey into a financial success story - with a healthy sprinkle of feel-good vibes! ✨

Whether you are a founder, creator, or business owner, she will help you craft a rock solid financial foundation, and align your business strategy for sustainable, impactful success.

Her passion is all about helping purpose-led entrepreneurs (just like you!) to not just survive but thrive with their business numbers, turning healthy profits and cash flows into your superpower for positive impact. 

So step into this inclusive and supportive environment where you can turn your wildest business dreams into a glistening reality 💫




How many times have you experienced?


😟 Feeling like you just want to run away from and totally avoid the financial side of your business.

😟 Confused by what it is that you are actually meant to be doing with your business finances.

😟 Anxiously riding a rollercoaster of unpredictable income flows.

 😟 Wishing you could become more confident with finance routines so you could level up, expand your reach, and be free to experiment and have fun along the way!

I don't want to feel like this anymore

Down-To-Earth Finance Routines for Purpose-Driven Creators

This workshop is your invitation to transform how you view and manage your business finances. 

It's about moving from uncertainty to clarity, from fluctuating income to financial stability, all while ensuring your creativity remains unfettered and expansive.

During the workshop expect to explore:

🙌 What to actually do on a monthly basis to create an aligned routine for finances that feels good and helps you keep track

🙌 How to set up your bank accounts for clarity and success

🙌 Managing your money when income arrives sporadically

🙌 Making the most of tax savings, and worrying less about HMRC

The workshop will be gentle, informative and immediately actionable and you can expect:

🥰 A relaxing somatic practice
🥰 Simple actionable tips and guidance
🥰 Journalling to enhance impact
🥰 Practical exercises
🥰 Templates, checklists & extras to take away


Join us to create the financial foundation that supports your dreams, fuels your projects, and amplifies your impact. Are you ready to embrace financial empowerment as your new creative tool?

I'm all in!

"I love how joyful and easy it feels! Lots of insights and opportunities to reflect /find resonance. With fun/friendly slides and delivery"


Blissful Finance Workshop Attendee

"The way Harriet explained everything was perfect and she was so chilled about everything which I loved. Really informative but in simple terms. I could listen to Harriet talk about finance for hours!"

Guest Finance Q&A Session Attendee

Just imagine how it would feel to...


💗 Embrace a newfound, healthy and abundant connection with your finances.

💗 Overcome money blocks, replacing fear with confidence.

💗 Know how to plan for smoother money flows that fuel your purpose.

💗 Feel calmer in the knowledge that you are on top of the money stuff.


Sign up now!

Who is this workshop for?


If the very thought of finances usually makes you yearn to get back to what you truly love—be it imagining, creating, designing, delivering  then you're in the right place!

There is a good chance you work in one of the following areas: coaching, wellness and health, photography, videography, content creators, designers, marketers, makers, artists,  educators, trainers, freelancers, artisans, crafters, and those dabbling in advocacy and activism (and more!) 

The workshop is designed with the more creative, free spirt perspective in mind, those who wish thrive financially without compromising their core values.


You may well be someone who struggles to even call what you do a 'business' - given the icky connotations of what that means!



This workshop is tailored for:

The Passion-Driven

 Those who'd usually rather immerse themselves in their craft than get tangled in numbers but often feel held back by financial fears and frustrations.

The Purpose-Driven

You might be super turned off by the idea of getting into the numbers (isn't that what nasty corporations do?) -  but imagine the impact of money in your hands - fuelling your purpose, allowing you to thrive, influence, and sustain and achieve your mission.

Business Owners of All Kinds

Whether you're a solopreneur, freelancer, company director, CEO, founder, 'company of one', or a side-hustler there will be lots to take away and implement straight away.

At Every Stage Of The Journey

From those just embarking on their self employed journey, to seasoned business owners who have been in the game many a year, to those juggling employment with a personal venture—there's something for everyone, with lots of helpful and relatable insights!

With A Global Reach

While Harriet is based in Somerset, England, this workshop welcomes participants from across the globe. We won't be getting too much into the details on specific tax jurisdictions, so the majority of the content is going to be relevant and applicable regardless of where you're located.

Simply convert the live workshop time from GMT to your local time zone (or watch back at your leisure). 

That's me.. I'm in!



This could all be within your reach.... 




✅ Less headspace taken up worrying about finances.

✅ Seemingly Complex financial tasks feel more intuitive and manageable.

 Learning practical money management techniques to navigate income fluctuations with confidence. 

✅ Adopting empowering financial practices that secure your business's financial health, enabling you to focus on creativity and impact.


I want this!


Down-to-Earth Finance Routines for Purpose-Driven Creators 

Join us for an Empowering Workshop on Impactful Money Practices for Heart-Led Free Spirits on 6 March 2024, 1-2.30PM GMT



£30 + VAT

For each person signing up, £5 will be donated directly to Doctors Without Borders amplifying our collective impact.

Remember if you have access to Harriet's Finance Learning Wonderland (currently open to 1:1 clients and course participants) you can access this workshop for FREE! Simply head to the FLW resource page for the link.

We're not just throwing numbers around and hoping for the best 😉


Harriet comes with a whole wealth of experience and credentials:

As an ICAEW Chartered Accountant (the Gold Standard) held the past 7+ years, Holistic CFO and Finance Coach, she has a  track record of transforming visions into profitable realities, across a range of industries and from Start Ups (raising the big buck!) to SMEs and International Groups,

Harriet's been a trusted advisor, consultant and Fractional CFO for many years. In the trenches, helping creative and tech startups blossom, from crafting growth plans to building finance functions that can go the distance, and even securing that golden funding ticket, she's got the hands-on experience to prove it.


Guiding through transformation and change is central her approach

Harriet has an academic background, with a First Class Degree and Distinction in my Masters in the areas of Business Strategy and Change Management, along with academic journal publications and speaking engagement accolades. She has experience leading finance transformation and technical international accounting, having run projects for Fortune 500 companies and private equity-backed groups including integrating acquired businesses into international multinationals. With certifications in Prince 2, Lean Six Sigma, and Agile, she bring both financial and operational knowledge to the small business stage.


Harriet's true passion is helping purpose-driven business owners grow money-confident and positively thrive through accessible financial strategy

After a stint in the corporate world, she's circled back to my roots (and my real passion!) working with awesome small business owners and creative souls to make a lasting impact and pave the way for positive change. Harriet got a particular interest in for helping creative and neurodivergent founders navigate the financial maze and build ventures that are not just profitable but downright fabulous and perfectly aligned to their dreams and lifestyles.  


It's never been about crunching numbers...

Harriet's mission is clear: to transform the often intimidating world of finance into a friendly and approachable space to enable good people doing good things to thrive.  From her formative years, immersed in the start-up and social enterprise world as a University student, She is driven to empower purpose-driven entrepreneurs to build ventures that resonate with their dreams, aspirations, and lifestyles.

Before venturing into the finance world, surprisingly, Harriet had no interest in maths, she was much more of a creative dreamer, passionate about history, languages, writing, the arts, with a stubborn, rebellious streak in early education. From this, she naturally have an affinity for assisting creative and neurodivergent founders, helping them navigate the financial labyrinth with clarity and confidence.


A refreshingly holistic approach to money topics

Harriet has just completed the revolutionary Trauma of Money™ Practitioner Certification to widen her skills, and bring a more trauma-informed and holistic approach into the mix. 

On the coaching and mentoring side, Harriet is a Member of the Association of Business Mentors, Level 5 CMI Certified Coach/Mentor, and currently  undertaking the rigorous ILM Level 7 Executive Coaching & Mentoring Certification.

Harriet is also a Mentor for a number of respected entrepreneurial and start up programmes, including the Help To Grow Scheme and the Natwest Business Accelerator.


Welcome to a world where finance feels  more creative, approachable, inclusive, and oh-so empowering! 💫


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