1:1 Deep Dive Intensive


Explore your, often subconscious, money beliefs, transform how you feel about wealth and set the foundation for financial empowerment. 


Intentionally crafted pre-work prompts, deep dive money belief session, follow up integration/action taking session with async support - specifically designed for mission-driven founders and business owners, yet open to anyone looking to heal their relationship with money.

INVESTMENT: £534 (£445 +VAT)

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Rise up and reclaim the power of money to do good in the world - with passion, intention and security


If you're a mission-driven founder or business owner dedicated to making a positive impact, but find yourself feeling uneasy or constrained by your relationship with money, you're not alone. 

It's time to breaking free from your limiting beliefs about money, feeling fully empowered to harness your financial potential to amplify your impact.

So that you can show up in your full glory, be heard and make change, while experiencing more enrichment and fun! 


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Feeling disillusioned by everything you were taught and conditioned to believe about money? 

 Wishing money would just be more helpful, and less harmful? 

This transformative, cathartic experience is for you!

The thing is beliefs and outcomes concerning money are deeply rooted, shaped by everything we’ve ever experienced  and absorbed in our surroundings, society and upbringing even multi generational.

This of course includes the pervasive influences of capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism, and various forms of oppression.

These systemic forces can leave us feeling stuck, guilty, or even ashamed when it comes to money.

It's time for change!  

Together will tenderly explore your relationship with money through the lens of trauma, re-imagining capitalism,  empowerment.

With the aim of bringing more love and light into our world, through money beliefs that amplify your work and help our community.


I'm SO ready for this!

Harriet Formby MA ACA


 ICAEW Chartered Accountant

Certified Trauma of Money™ Practitioner 

ILM Level 7 Executive Coach


Harriet Formby, founder of Below The Line Finance, offers a unique blend of  savvy financial acumen with holistic, compassionate wisdom.

Pairing C-suite level financial expertise with a deeply compassinate understanding of the emotional and psychological side to  money.

Known for her empathy, warmth, and intuitive approach, Harriet helps mission-led businesses who are changing the world for the better.

By helping them soothe their nervous systems reaction to financial topics, to master their money and amplify their impact.

Clients who work closely with Harriet describe her as an 'all-seeing eye'.

Harriet's Libra sun beautifully balances the logical and pratcial world of financial and strategic world with heart-led deeply intuitive, creative and empowering insights. Delivered in a reassuring, understandable and achievable tone - that spark's motivation and action.

Being a Scorpio Moon, supports Harriet to delve deeply into issues, facilitates the uncovering hidden truths and tenderly hold space for others. 

Connecting the dots with both courage and empathy. 

With a natural affinity for handling emotive topics with compassion, people typically feel safe to open up and confide in Harriet.

Going away feeling lighter, inspired and fired up ready to change the world!


Do you find yourself stuck in the same patterns of feeling a combination of the following?:


  • Ashamed of your financial situation, past 'mistakes' or questioning your 'worthiness' to be a success.
  • Conflicted about whether money is really a good thing when there is so much evidence to the contrary.
  • Fearful of financial success, of receiving in abundance and handling wealth.
  • Overwhelmed by financial decisions, and all things money management.
  • Scared of playing big and standing in your power.
  • Disempowered by lack of control over finances, or even knowing where to begin.
  • Confused why you feel the way you feel- perhaps even secretly - about money. When you are a brilliant, celebrated business woman, it seems a little disingenuous to you.

You’ve probably tried:


 staying positive, reciting affirmations, visualising abundance, educating yourself, 'faking it till you make it' 


maybe you've already explored a little of your money story...


But you're not yet put the pieces together and joined up all the dots to make it make sense.


Even though you  put on your 'big business boss' hat on and brush them aside...

these emotions will often play out in your business finances through:

  • Discomfort in setting pricing and negotiating.
  • Feeling stuck at dwindling profit level where you're ALWAYS the last to get paid.
  • Fears over making payroll.
  • Avoidance of going VAT registered or hitting the next tax milestone.
  • In how you present the numbers to investors and lenders and instil confidence and buy in.
  • In the way you might hoard cash and shun making investments in the future.
  • Feeling unsure what a good financial routine looks like?


Which is not surprising since we are only human!


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 This holistic 1:1 experience is going to help you dismantle the barriers by getting to the root of your money beliefs.

Boldly challenging the narrative that you are just 'bad with money' or 'people like you can't prosper financially'.

Because as Gabor Maté advocates:

it's about what has 'happened to us'

(our life experiences and societal influences)

rather than what is 'wrong with us'.


I'm SO ready for this!


What's included...


Pre-Work Prompts

Start your journey with intentionally crafted prompts and exercises designed to  help you start to uncover and  begin to understand your deep-seated money beliefs.

Your feelings and experiences are valid, and these prompts are designed to honour and explore them without judgment.


Transformative Money Belief Session

Engage in an in-depth, personalised exploration of your money beliefs, focusing on generational influences, upbringing, and subconscious patterns (whatever you bring to the table).

This session intends to creates a safe, compassionate space for you to delve into your financial mindset, connect the dots, and begin to reframe it in a way that supports your goals and values.

Many have found this session surprising and intriguing, uncovering insights they didn't expect with fasinating and invigorating consequences.

You'll receive additional materials and holistic money and somatic practices help you to implement the new beliefs.

90 minutes


Follow-Up Integration/Action Taking Session

Continue your transformation with an integration session to reflect on your progress, address any lingering challenges, and solidify your new perspective by making moves in your world. Empowering your money goals and budget with your new belief system.

This session is designed to enable the changes you make to be practical, sustainable and aligned with your personal and business aspirations.

90 minutes


Asynchronous Support

Receive access to guidance to help you integrate these new beliefs into your business and approach to wealth, ensuring lasting change and empowerment.

Usually via Whatsapp, Voxer or similar.

Runs to 14 Days after 2nd session


Feel Good Finance Training, Tools & Templates

Receive 3 months access to the Finance Learning Wonderland - our treasure trove of finance resources including a full suite of workshops, classes, templates, calculators, checklists, guides and more!

Free pass, usually £144.

I'm In!


Take a bold stand towards empowering money beliefs that support your mission on Earth and enable you to take intentional action and bask in your brilliance.


This is an invitation to take charge of your money story and make peace with the past.



Enabling money to work for you and your venture - fuelling your creativity, kindness, impact and success!

You can take a stand and create a better world by transforming your financial mindset. 

"I let go of guilt and shame around money, I feel so much lighter and full of hope!

Harriet’s approach is nothing short of transformative. 

The real-life applications she offered have brought immediate and significant improvements"


"Every entrepreneur should go through this exploration of their money beliefs!

Harriet supported me  to overcome deep-seated financial wounds and fears and embrace a more empowered mindset

The impact on my business finances has been nothing short of  incredible"


"Harriet's 'all-seeing eye' guided me to make tangible changes, I feel more in control and optimistic about my  future.

 This experience was eye-opening, helping me understand the roots of my financial beliefs and how to change them.

I now feel confident in my financial decisions and motivated to make money".


Begin Your Money Awakening Today 

Pay In Full


One time payment


Payment Plan


2 monthly payments


Scholarship opportunity


As part of our commitment to inclusivity, we offer a limited number of scholarship spots for the Money Awakening Intensive. These are awarded taking into account your circumstances and proximity to privilege and resources.

 Find out more and apply here


Money CAN both feel good and do good…

  • Feel Secure and Safe with Money: Explore your financial beliefs with compassion and empowerment.
  • Make Peace with Your Finances: Embrace forgiveness and growth in your relationship with money.
  • Break Free from Capitalist Limitations: Transform your financial mindset with holistic and practcial methods and  tools
  • Reframe Limiting Beliefs: Transform your money mindset in a radically non-judgmental space.
  • Amplify Your Impact: Apply your new beliefs to take empowered, practical steps in your life-enhancing work.




Expand our journey together to confidently embed and enact change - to fully integrate your new money beliefs into practical outcomes.


Harriet offers practical 1:1 sessions to help you create an aligned finance system and to manage your money.

  From a one-off session to on-going accountability. 


Or explore our Thrive & Grow upgrade....

  Financial Empowerment



For those looking to continue their journey, we offer a comprehensive Thrive & Grow upgrade package which builds on the foundation set in the Money Awakening.

You receive everything in the Money Awakening  intensive PLUS additional  guided CFO wisdom and support over 6 additional sessions including:

Financial Roadmap Creation

Re-imagine your pricing and offer suite to develop financial plans and projections to support your personal and business dreams.

Craft a dynamic and aligned 2 year business and personal forecast with space to flex and iterations.

x2 sessions 

Establish Financial Foundations That Feel Good

Review of your current setup and explore a more fit-for-purpose financial system, cashflow and money practices.

Receive a tailored system to follow that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your routine financial tasks aligned with your preferred style.

2 session

Refinement, Financial Decision Making & Future Plans

Equip yourself with the knowledge and know-how to review your numbers and make ongoing savvy financial decisions that are congruent with your personal values and mission.

1 session

Mystery Session

Delve into any finance related topic of your choosing, tailored to meet your unique needs and specific interests.

1 session

From £3,300 (£2,750 + VAT)

Explore More

Book a Discovery Call



 Terms and Conditions

I'm Ready!