1:1 Financial Empowerment Programme


Ready to turn your entrepreneurial journey into a success story where money builds your security, fuels your creative potential & amplifies your impact?


Transform your relationship with money, as we plan, problem-solve and  re-imagining finance.

Crafting a financial roadmap that turns your boldest dreams into a profitable reality 💫

INVESTMENT: From £3,300 (£2,750 +VAT)


When your business is financially thriving, you get to do more of the things you love 💗


Through Thrive & Grow, Harriet has pioneered a new way for creative and purpose-driven business owners to integrate aligned, savvy CFO insights and financial empowerment that bring dreams to life sustainability and profitably through a thoughtful and impactful 16 week 1:1 programme.



Taking the leap from a predictable pay check to the financial uncertainty of running a business - with so many moving parts - it a lot!


Many of us left the corporate world to run our own business. It's a journey of juggling.

Getting to grips with business finance is a lot to get your head around! Whether you are just dipping your toes into entrepreneurship or are a decade in.

Whether it's predicting income, figuring out your pricing, paying suppliers, saving for taxes, collecting payments, working out if you're profitable, hoping you can pay yourself this month, worrying about cash flow, tentatively investing in the future or constantly second guessing yourself - its a lot!

You've gone from a regular monthly salary to the least regular and predictable thing ever!

You muddle along, tentatively make plans for the future but end up getting wrapped up in the day to day, trying to avoid money topics.

And sometimes it will feel like all money does is hold you back and make you feel like you don't know what you're doing...

But the lack of structure also means you're no longer restricted in what you can earn by salary bands and bonus schemes The sky is the limit.

 It is possible for finances to work in your favour enabling you to live the good life, be more creative and fulfilled and do even more good through your work!






Harriet Formby MA ACA





Harriet Formby, founder of Below The Line Finance, offers a unique blend of  savvy financial acumen with holistic, compassionate wisdom.


  • ICAEW Chartered Accountant (> 8 years PQE) 
  • Certified Trauma of Money™ Practitioner 
  • ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor
  • BA Hons (First Class) and Masters (Distinction) In Business Management & Strategy   

Pairing C-suite level financial expertise with a deeply compassionate understanding of the emotional and psychological side to  money.

Known for her empathy, warmth, and intuitive approach, Harriet helps mission-led businesses who are changing the world for the better.

By helping them soothe their nervous systems reaction to financial topics, to master their money and amplify their impact.

Clients who work closely with Harriet describe her as an 'all-seeing eye'.

Harriet's Libra sun beautifully balances the logical and practical world of financial and strategic world with heart-led deeply intuitive, creative and empowering insights. Delivered in a reassuring, understandable and achievable tone - that spark's motivation and action.

Being a Scorpio Moon, supports Harriet to delve deeply into issues, facilitates the uncovering hidden truths and tenderly hold space for others. 

Connecting the dots with both courage and empathy. To create safety with money and build finances that both feel good and do good!  

With a natural affinity for handling emotive topics with compassion, people typically feel safe to open up and confide in Harriet.

Go forward feeling lighter, inspired and fired up ready to change the world!



Even if you’re someone who rose up through the ranks, a beacon of creativity, resilience and determination.

Confronting your own business finances is a whole new world. Because it’s personal. 


Regardless of how brilliant and accomplished you are, running a business stirs up all kinds of deep emotions and anxieties about money—some you might not have even known were there.

So it's perhaps no wonder you've been feeling:

Overwhelmed and disorganised: trying to keep on top of finances as well as everything else is too much and things can slip into a confusing muddle.

Fearful and emotional: Money brings up worry and anguish - so much seems to rest on 'getting it right', it can feel incredibly confronting like there is no room for error

Confused by the terminology:  finance has it's own set of lingo that you will hear people in your industry throwing around - but you still don't know what to actually pay attention to and take action on.

Conflicted by the ethics of money:  your work is about helping others - so is making lots of money really a force for good when there is so much evidence to the contrary? It's an ethical dilemma that can keep you playing small.

Like you're about to be exposed: Seeds of doubt have been building and you're terrified you've about to find out you'll soon find out you've made a big financial mistake because you're simply not a 'money person'.

You're losing your sense of self: it's now so unclear which money is 'yours' and what 'belongs' to your business - it can really feel like an identity crisis, knowing where your business ends and you begin

Doubtful of your own abilities: in the small hours you question if you are really cut out for running a business, given the challenges you find with finance.

Shameful of success: Outwardly you appear to have it all together, often showing up all sparkles and sunshine,  praise lavished on you,  - but secretly you grapple with the financial 'basics'. So success feels somewhat disingenuous and you struggle to truly savour it.

If this sounds familiar, know you are not alone in this journey. My mission is supporting people just like you to navigate the emotional rollercoster of business finances with a practical, strategic and holistic approach.


It's really no surprise you've been avoiding finances and  wanting to run away from money...


These very natural emotional reactions to finance trigger our nervous system, taking us away from feeling calm, grounded, open, joyful and curious


Activating the 'fight' 'flight' response as you  move through frustration, fear and anxiety.


Into a 'freeze' state as you feel shameful, shut down and disassociated.


I'm here to tell you, you're feelings are valid, there is nothing wrong with you and things can change! 


Imagine how good it will feel to:


🌟 Welcome in a new money belief system that supports your growth and makes peace with the past.

🌟Transform the ‘numbers stuff’ in business from being a frustrating, woeful necessity to a powerful tool for abundance that actually brings joy.

🌟 Bring your business dreams and ideas to life with profitable plans and financial roadmaps, that fill you with clarity, peace of mind and purpose.

🌟 Grow your confidence with resilient financial roots, aligned systems and  routines that enable your goals.

🌟 Tap into strategic insights to help you problem solve, pivot and strengthen your financial resilience and outlook for a prosperous future.

🌟 Go away buzzing with hope and ambition and the drive to bring everything to life with healthy profits, purpose and all round feel good vibes!  

This is all within reach!




16 week journey including...


Initial Questionnaire & Planning Session Prepare 

Thoughtfully designed Initial questionnaire accompanied by a planning session with Harriet to help you help gain clarity of your goals, explore any current barriers or blocks and identify opportunities that align with your vision and values. 


Money Awakening Intensive

Breaking free from your limiting beliefs about money, feeling fully empowered to harness your financial potential to amplify your impact.

Trauma informed facilitation to help you explore your, often subconscious, money beliefs, transform how you feel about wealth and set the foundation for financial empowerment.  


  • Intentionally crafted pre-work prompts
  • 90 minute deep dive money belief session supported with 
  • Follow up 60 minute integration session
  • Nourishing practices and resources to help you heal from money trauma, make peace with the past and go forward with nurturing and empowering money beliefs. 

This element is £498 as a stand along experience and included within the Thrive & Grow offering.


Aligned Budget Envisioning

Re-imagine your pricing and offer suite to develop financial plans and projections to support your personal and business dreams through a strategic roadmap.

Craft a dynamic and aligned 2 year business and personal forecast that serves you and your mission with ample space for flex and iterations.

Two 90 minute sessions

Dynamic budget workbook


Establish Strong Financial Foundations

Review of your current setup and create a more fit-for-purpose financial system, cashflow and money practices that feel good.

Receive a tailored system to follow that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your routine financial tasks aligned with your preferred style.

Two 90 minute sessions

Recommendation of systems and routine

Bespoke checklist 

Tools, templates and guides


Refinement, Financial Decision Making & Future Plans

Equipping you with the knowledge and know-how to review your numbers and make ongoing savvy financial decisions that are congruent with your personal values and mission.

One 90 minute session


Mystery Session

Delve into any finance/money related topic of your choosing, tailored to meet your unique needs and specific interests.

One 90 minute session


Asynchronous Support

For the duration of the programme you will receive access to Harriet for guidance to help you integrate, ask questions and support your success between sessions.

Via Whatsapp, Slack or similar.


Feel Good Finance Training, Tools & Templates

Receive access to the Finance Learning Wonderland - Harriet's treasure trove of finance resources including a full suite of workshops, classes, templates, calculators, checklists, guides and more!

Free pass (usually £144 for 3 months access)

Plus access to any new workshops/trainings Harriet is hosting during our journey.


Pathway To Profits With Purpose Programme

Receive complimentary access to online 6-Week Transformational Programme Designed for Heart-led Business Owners

 Holistic Journey to Purposeful Profits. Revolutionising Your Money Mindset, Healing Financial Wounds, and Amplifying Your Impact.

Free enrolment (usually £228).


Trauma of Money Method 


As a Trauma of Money Certificated Practitioner, Harriet is thrilled to have integrated the groundbreaking approach towards financial well-being into the Thrive & Grow Programme.

The innovative and holistic TOM method acknowledges and respects your personal financial narrative - it's about 'what happened to you'... not 'what's wrong with you' - offering a deeply enriching alternative to traditional capitalist frameworks. 

Designed to empower you by re-envisioning your relationship with money through a lens of healing, liberation and creating a kinder world.


1:1 Financial Empowerment Programme

"I let go of guilt and shame around money, I feel so much lighter and full of hope!

Harriet’s approach is nothing short of transformative. 

The real-life applications she offered have brought immediate and significant improvements.


After 10 years in business, I finally have a budget that feels amazing!"


"Every entrepreneur should go through this experience!

Harriet supported me to overcome deep-seated financial wounds and fears and embrace a more empowered mindset

The impact on my business finances has been nothing short of incredible"


"Harriet's 'all-seeing eye' guided me to make tangible changes, I feel more in control and optimistic about my  future.

 This experience was eye-opening, helping me understand the roots of my financial beliefs and how to change them.

I now feel confident in my financial decisions and motivated to make money".


The first step is to book in a complimentary chat with Harriet

  This is an opportunity to get to know each other, ask questions and explore if the Thrive & Grow Container is going to be a good fit for you and your business.


Simply book in a time that suits you and we'll speak soon...

Scholarship Opportunity


As part of our commitment to inclusivity, we offer a limited number of scholarship spots for the Thrive & Grow Programme. These are awarded taking into account your circumstances and proximity to privilege and resources.

 Find out more and apply here


1:1 Financial Empowerment Programme