Master Your Money To Amplify Your Impact


 Welcome to Get Number Savvy, where mission-driven founders transform financial overwhelm into empowerment.


Our radical, trauma-informed approach delivers frustration-free finance training, resources and support.

To help you achieve your entrepreneurial dreams with renewed passion, purpose, and a fresh perspective on wealth.

Let's Go!






Radically Empowering & Trauma-Informed

 Experience finance training that understands and supports your emotional journey.

We believe in mastering your money to amplify your impact and soothe your nervous system.


Align Your Finances With Your Values

You can make a profit while being ethical.

Our holistic approach ensures your finances support your mission, from micro budgets to £1m+.

We provide systems and structures that not only feel good but do good too.


Empathy, Innovation, Passion 

Combining empathy with innovative strategies, we’re dedicated to your success.

Let’s transform your financial journey together.

Our goal is for you to feel empowered, not frazzled, by what your finances can do both for you and in turn the people you serve.




To follow your passion, make a difference, and live the good life. Is that why you took the plunge into running a business?

It's a crying shame that brilliant, mission-led, creative people with world changing ideas are being held back by their finances, made to feel fearful and  'not good with numbers'  instead of being supported and revitalised.

We're changing the narrative. With clear, effective financial guidance for busy, creative minds and souls who really feel their feelings.

Imagine having financial systems and knowhow that not only support your business goals but amplify your impact.

How would it feel to make peace with money, fully align your financial goals with your values, and make healthy ethical profits, whether your budget is micro or £1m+?

I’m here to guide you every step of the way with relatable, accessible finance resources, training, and support that actually feels enjoyable.

With a radical, trauma-informed approach you'll feel empowered, not frazzled, by your finances as you create a harmonious relationship with money.






So much of what we’ve been taught about finance and money is designed to keep a small group of people comfortable while the rest of us play small!

Let's go!

It’s totally possible to make money AND make a difference at the same time.


You want your finances to support your business goals, rather than work against them – but up until now you’ve been made to feel like it’s one or the other.

You can make profit, OR you can be ethical.

You can feel in control of your money situation, OR you can enjoy your work making a difference.

You can do things the way they’ve always been done and be successful, OR you choose a more ethical, holistic approach that leaves you in the red.

I’m here to tell you this is all BS, and help you build your business in a different way!


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Explore our curated suite of finance resources especially created for people changing the world for the better.

Financial Wellness Toolkit

Discover our compassionate and user-friendly digital tools and templates designed for  small business owners and founders.

Confidently navigate your business numbers with resources for cashflow forecasting, financial reporting, budgeting, expense management, and more.

Suite of resources from £10

Browse our solutions ➝

Browse Our Store

Empowering Finance Masterclasses & Workshops 

Joyful, stress-free finance workshops that make managing your money feel revitalising and supportive.

Prices from £24

Explore our programme of events and recordings ➝

Explore Options

Online Course: Pathway To Profits With Purpose

6 Week Transformational Programme for Heart-led Business Owners on a Holistic Journey to Purposeful Profits.

Revolutionising Your Money Mindset, Healing Financial Wounds, and Amplifying Your Impact.

Investment: £228

Begin today ➝

Learn More

"I love how joyful and easy it feels! Lots of insights and opportunities to reflect and find resonance. With fun, friendly slides and delivery"


"The way Harriet explained everything was perfect and she was so chilled about everything which I loved. Really informative but in simple terms. I could listen to Harriet talk about finance for hours!"




Facebook group to empower mission led founders with finances.

Accountability, Q&A , Trainings, Support




Three delightful was to access 1:1 holistic finance guidance with Harriet

'Power Hour Style': Finance Consultations

Bring your queries & frustrations to Harriet,  go away with an invigorating prospecting and clear action plan!

Investment: £330

Book in today ➝

Secure Your Spot

Money Awakening Intensive

Explore your, often sub-concious, money beliefs, transform how you feel about wealth and embrace the power of money to feel good and do good.

Investment: £534

Uncover your story ➝

Reimagine Your Next Chapter

Thrive & Grow: 1:1 Financial Empowerment Programme

Heal your relationship with money through 16 weeks of holistic, trauma-informed support from Harriet. 

Together we'll reimagine finance set the foundations, craft a profitable and abundant financial roadmap that brings your dreams to life, create security and amplify your impact.

Investment: £3,300

Soothe Your Nervous System 

Start Your Journey




As part of our commitment to make finance more inclusive  scholarships are available for all 1:1 services

3 Powerful Money Moves for Mission-Led Founders

Sep 22, 2024

How Scarcity Shapes Financial Decisions and Outcomes

Aug 04, 2024

Incorporating More Fun And Joy Into Your Budget

Aug 04, 2024

Explore More

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